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Talk with Docs
Transform your files into dynamic conversations.
Document Tools
Chat with Your Documents
Upload. Ask. Get Answers.

Turn your documents into interactive conversations with our AI-powered chat agent. Whether it's PDFs, Word docs, spreadsheets, images, or more, our document model instantly extracts insights, answers questions, and simplifies complex information—just like chatting with an expert!

Industry-Leading Protection for Your Data
Security First
Our models operate in isolation, ensuring your data is never used for training commercial AI models.
FERPA & COPPA compliant with advanced privacy safeguards and automatic PII removal.
End-to-End Encryption
Your files and conversations are safeguarded with industry-leading security protocols.

Educational Thought Partner

Smart Document Exploration
Engage with your documents like never before. Talk with Docs allows you to ask questions, explore insights, and get real-time answers directly from your files. Whether it's PDFs, audio files, transcripts, spreadsheets, or images, you can interact with your documents instantly, improving your productivity and decision-making without ever leaving the platform.
Our platform will automatically switch to the language you're most comfortable with. All you need to do is start chatting and we'll adapt to you! Your uploaded documents can be translated to your prefered language as well. 
Advanced Technology
Our advanced models can do it all. Here's where this tool shines. Handwriting: Snap a picture of handwritten papers, and we'll decipher it. Translation: We'll automatically translate languages for you. Images: Chat about a piece of artwork or a take a picture of text in another language and get a translation. Spreadsheets: CSV files are no problem at all for our platform. Audio: Upload audio files and get a summary or open a chat dialog about the contents.
Responsible AI
AI platforms that utilize data for training can put educators at risk of exposing student's personal information. To mitigate these risks, schools should use isolated, secure models that are specifically designed for educational data, ensuring full compliance with privacy laws and ethical standards. Student Story AI uses frozen models that are not accessed by third-party companies. Your data remains private and is never shared or used to train AI models.