Voice Data Analysis
Student Story AI
How to Get Started: Simply gather your data and upload it for analysis by dragging your document(s) into the box or you can click to select which files to analyze. We recommend using Google Forms to collect your data, then export the results as a CSV file from Google Sheets. (Convenient Goolge Forms integration is coming soon) Account holders can access pre-made surveys and voice gathering assignments in their Voice Console, or create their own surveys, formative assessments and more. If you have handwritten papers, you can simply take photos of the pages and we'll instantly take care of extracting the handwritten text to save you time. If you're using Google Forms for surveys, you can open the responses in Google sheets and save them as a CSV file. Just drag that file over here and we'll do the rest.
You've tried Student Voice AI and now you're wondering how to get the same valuable information from your other forms of data. You may have noticed that the Student Story application will not accept documents unless they contain student voice, but this tool is more versatile and works seamlessly for all other voice-centered datasets, small or large.
While this tool is not specifically trained to focus on one particular type of data, it is education-focused and allows educators and administrators the opportunity to utilize a powerful tool that can analyze a wide variety of datasets, expanding beyond the student voice model.
You can snap a photo of meeting notes, upload historical assessment data, or process any other information to discover insights that are normally hidden beneath the pile of pages and numbers.
How it is being used today: Our tools are being utilized in a variety of new and exciting ways, with many new users finding innovative methods that meet the specific needs of their practice. Our tools are igniting newfound excitment in reflective teaching and a variety of other areas that have traditionally taken entire summer breaks to analyze and reflect upon. Additionally our AI tools are being utilized by school administrators to process student and staff voice data to discover ways to improve courses, assess feedback on initiatives, as well as explore experiences related to culture and climate.
It is also being used to analyze reflections by both administrators and teachers on topics like evaluation and school improvement.
Please feel free gather up your surveys, interviews, community feedback, student voice datasets, or any other data that you've been meaning to sort through, and let our AI help you discover trends, themes, and ways to create or shape better systems for success.
Responsibility: Our systems follow leading industry standards for security. Even with the most modern and leading edge security measures in place, please keep student privacy a top priority by removing any names or sensitive information before processing your data, and always adhere to your district policy regarding privacy. Our AI applications do not connect your data with public AI platforms. Our AI models are not like your typical GPT that uses all interactions to continue its learning process; therefore, no third party has access to any data for their personal use. Our tools, surveys, and online forms currently allow us to offer service agreements that meet various industry standards, or are beginning evaluations for compliance certifications in HECVAT, 256 SSL, PCI, GDPR, CCPA, HIPPA, StateRamp, SOC2, FERPA, COPPA, and others. Data Privacy and Service Agreements are available for Enterprise accounts.
Let's Chat:
If you want to discover creative ways to get valuable input, our chat companion Dewey is always eager to assist.
Student Story AI
Hello! I'll be your helpful guide as we explore your data together.
I work best when you ask a in-depth questions. An example of a question I like would be, "Tell me about any students who are exhibiting signs that indicate they may need special help or guidance. Provide me with supporting quotes and conclude with suggestions on effectively addressing these findings."
So where would you like to start? You could pick one of the identified themes in your report and ask me specific questions about what else you'd like to explore on that topic. Or you can ask me to find students who are feeling successful, and we can try to identify paths to replicate those positive outcomes.